Code Structure
Inside App folder we have all the project File.
Core: If you go inside this folder you may see some of folder like Menu, Setting, Theme etc. All the part of template setting and configuration. If you know Angular2 well you can customise this template UI as well. But mostly you didn't need to change any of these file and folder.
In next release we will remove and customise of of UI folder.
Layout: It contains all the common component of project like Header, Footer, Sidebar etc..
Routes: It's a main folder where you need to work. Inside routes folder you have Home, Pages, Restaurant.
Home: It have Dashboard module so if you need any changes within Graph you need to work inside these folder.
Pages : It contains all the component like Login, Registration, 404 etc.
Restaurant : We have put all the custom component of our restaurant into this folder each component have there own folder and respective file as well. You can dig dipper and edit as required.