Project Requirment
- First make sure you have installed node.js 6.X and npm 3.X version. You can check it on own terminal window simply by entering node -v and npm -v . You can also download latest nodeJs from here.
- Git and Python also need to be install.
- MongoDB also need to install locally or better you can use Mlab.
You need to create a account or you have already account just login.
Click on Create New button. You need to select free version and database location and provide unique name and create a database.
Once Database created you need to create User for that Database. You can click on user Tab inside Mlab. You can enter any username , password to create a username and password for your Database.
- Once Database create you need to Copy MongoDB URI from Mlab. It will looked like this :
<dbuser> : you replace this with username you added for this DB.
<dbpassword> : replace it with database password:
Ex : Username: demo and Password: 12345 then, your Mlab url will be like this
mongodb://demo:[email protected]:47985/dname
Navigate to Server > Config > environment and replace the url with your URI . You can also update the same in production.ts file as well. If you like to setup default database then seedDB: true or you can change it to false.
Gulp also need to be install on your machine. You can run the below command
npm install -g gulp