Create Social app key

Create Facebook App ID and setup of user Login

To use the FB plugin, you first have to create a new Facebook App with your Facebook developer portal at

Retrieve the App ID and App Name

Then type in the following command in your Terminal, where APP_ID and APP_NAME are the values from the Facebook Developer portal .

You can replace APP_NAME and APP_ID in config.xml file.

Now you'll need to add the native platforms you'll be using to your app in the Facebook Developer portal under your app's Settings:

Click 'Add Platform'.

Now you need to open your project's config.xmlfile, found in the root directory of your project.

You need to copy your id , You are free to keep any id that unique.

iOS Install

Under 'Bundle ID', add the id from your config.xml file:

CheckSingle Sign On.

Android Install

Add platform android

Set your Google Play Package Name. You can find your name in your platforms/android/AndroidManifest.xml file.

<manifest android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="0.0.1" package="com.ionicframework.ionic2fblogin864493" xmlns:android="[[[["&gt]("&gt]("&gt]("&gt)]("&gt]("&gt]("&gt]("&gt))]("&gt]("&gt]("&gt]("&gt)]("&gt]("&gt]("&gt]("&gt)))\);

Check Single Sign On

Set the Class Name to com.facebook.FacebookActivity

Generate your own [Key Hash](  please follow that tutorial how to create key Hash.

If you have follow all those setup properly, you will accomplish your mission :). You may also follow these article that might help you ionic facebook native and ionic facebook native 2.

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